A clinic providing mental health counseling, consulting & wellness services
Individuals Families Caregivers Athletes


Soul Movement

Sole Movement is a collaboration between Sole 2 Soul and Kerry Peeters, Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Health Coach. Our goal is to provide effective fitness and nutritional support in a way where all feel accepted and motivated to reach their goals.
Our services are personalized and focused on helping all participants to find their success.
In=person services are located at the Sole 2 Soul Wellness Center at W5361 County Road KK, Appleton

Personal Training
If you are new to fitness or simply need some help getting started and establishing a routine, we can help.
Individual Training
45 minutes, includes a written routine to apply after the session: $50
Small Group Training (3 participants)
60 minutes, includes a written routine to apply after the session: $105

Adult Wellness
Our programs for adults are focused on both nutrition and fitness. Kerry focuses on helping being practical but also encourages accountability and long-term change.
Adult Wellness Group
For: Adults seeking support in a small group format, seeking changes within their nutriion choices, eating habits and movement/exercise behaviors. The group is goal oriented, includes insight building and empowerment for self-care
When: Mondays from 5:30-7:00 pm, 12 group sessions
Cost: $650
Pantry Makeover
For: Adults who are seeking a shift on how they eat, including food choices in the home, food prep ideas, recipes that fit each individual or family and lifestyle.
Cost: 2 in-person 60 minute meetings $300, follow up 30 minute virtual meetings $50 ea.

Teen Wellness
Make it fun to exercise! Social, positive, welcoming and effective, we hope to bring self-care through exercise a normal part of teens' lives.
Teen Girls Fitness Group
For: Teens who are new or experienced with exercise, wanting or maybe needing an exercise space that is non-judgmental, accepting and encouraging.
When: Mondays 4;00-5:00 pm, 8 group sessions
Cost: $25/group session or $140 for 6 group sessions
Family Wellness
Making changes that effect the whole family can be challenging. Whether you are concerned about your family's eating choices or lack of physical movement, we have options!
Family Pantry Makeover
For: Parents who are seeking shifts in the food choices, eating culture and overall nutritional well-being of their family and within the home environment. Program is personalized and practical for your family and lifestyle.
Cost: $300 for program, includes 2 in-person 60 minute meetings, resources and recipes for on-going success. Follow up, 30 minute virtual meetings as requested $50 ea.